Team Rosters & Lineups

There are 5 competitive teams and 4 recreational teams for this upcoming  tournament.  Please see team rosters below.

Please submit your team's line-up to by Sun, March 5!

Format of Round Robin:
Team versus (2MD, 1WD and 2XD) round robin, best 2 out of 3 game matches to 21 points.
Teams can choose to have a different line-up for every team you play against.  If using different line-ups, please specify each line-up clearly when submitting email.

The order of play during RR and in elimination is:  MD2, XD2, WD, MD1, and lastly XD1.  Teams will collect points for each match won during Round Robin (1 point/match won).  They will then be ranked within their own Round Robin group correspondingly.

Note: When building your team lineup, please be conscientious and make sure that XD1 is stronger than XD2 and MD1 is stronger than MD2.

For Recreational Category, there will be a final round between the top 2 RR teams.

Tiebreaker: In the case of a TIE in points between teams with a group in Round Robin, there will be an 11-point MIXED doubles game to decide the advancing team.  Players for the tiebreaker game can be anyone on the team (except for players with *). Player pairings must be approved by B.W.B organizers PRIOR to the start of the game.

Team Rosters

Team LineUps

RR for Competitive Category

RR for Recreational Category